
Getting the most from our website
We want to make sure that, as a visitor to our website, it’s easy for you to find your way around, access the information you need and get the full advantages of all of our online services and functionality. So we’ve added a few tips below to help you get the most from our website.
Operating Systems and Browsers
Our website is best viewed using the following browsers. You can download and install them for free by clicking on one of the links below. If you have any technical problems downloading a browser, we recommend you contact your Internet Service Provider, or the browser provider. OneFamily cannot be held responsible for issues that arise from downloading external software.
Protecting your computer
By installing the latest virus checker, you can protect your computer from the viruses while using the internet.
Even if your computer comes off the shelf with a level of protection, threats change daily. So it’s important that you keep your software up to date.
Downloading PDFs
To view the PDF documents on our website you'll need to download Adobe Acrobat. This program is free and can be downloaded by visiting the Adobe website. For information about reading PDF documents with a screen reader, please refer to the Access Adobe website.